This Is Your Invitation To Daily Mass

God knows, and He’ll shower you with His graces. Just don’t pass up the opportunity to go to Him when you can. Relationships go both ways!

Daily Mass is not just for “over achievers;” it’s for everyone, including you.

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When you love someone, you don’t just hang out with them once a week for Friday night dates. You want to be with them, in person, every moment you can. You don’t need entertainment. You don’t always need to understand each other or even say much. You just want to be with each other.

Maybe your beloved lives on the way to work, so every morning you stop by for a quick cup of coffee or even just a wave through the window.

Maybe your relationship lacks the quality time you both need.

Maybe you’re arguing or growing apart but you know you should show up even if the feelings are faded. You make that choice to be faithful, knowing the desert won’t last forever.

That’s why I invite you to daily Mass.

Yes, attending daily Mass with your beloved (i.e. your spouse, children, fiancé…) is a wonderful habit to enter into together, but I’m talking about your relationship with God.

He is always reaching out to you; are you doing the minimum requirements? Just Sunday Mass? Or just Easter and Christmas? Or the opposite and wrongfully beating yourself up about not being together in person every minute of every day and living up to your scrupulous ideas of perfection? You both deserve better!

I can honestly say that as a cradle Catholic I didn’t know that Mass was even offered daily until my early twenties. (Can you tell I didn’t read the bulletin much?) It was life-changing—literally.

During difficult times, daily Mass drags me out of bed and helps me go on with my day when I need more sacramental graces to carry on. When life is good, it preserves and surrounds me with peace; Mass grounds those who attend.

When I couldn’t make it, I had grown close enough to God that it was as if He’d say, “I’ll see you tomorrow, love. You rest.” Yet, I still desired to be there, to bring my children and share that with them.

Finding it too difficult to make it to a 15-30 minute long daily Mass, even just once a week? Ask for more times. Check more parishes. Move closer to your parish—that’s not as crazy as it sounds!

Or, if you really can’t physically be there, read the readings daily (available in the Daily Roman Missal and online for free; also many Sunday bulletins list the bible verses for the week somewhere) and make a spiritual communion. God knows, and He’ll shower you with His graces. Just don’t pass up the opportunity to go to Him when you can. Relationships go both ways!

Daily Mass is not just for “over achievers;” it’s for everyone, including you.

5 Reasons To Go To Daily Mass

It’s good to note that Daily Mass doesn’t “earn” you anything, get you on the top of the list for canonization, or magically fix your difficult life. Here are 5 solid reasons you should make any and every effort to attend Mass during the week anyway:

5. To love Him. As we’ve touched on, it is your relationship with Him. Love Him back and go to Him! It’s called Communion for a reason.

4. To know Him. Studying the saints, Scriptures, and teachings of the Faith is great, but no greater knowledge is there of a person than being face-to-face. Reading all about God but ignoring His Body and Blood is like stalking someone on social media and asking all His friends about Him, but never getting to know Him yourself.

3. To serve Him. You can serve Him better if you go to Him more!

2. To be with Him forever in Heaven. That’s the goal; right? Not worldly glory. So, get your taste of Heaven on earth, so-to-speak, and go to Mass.

1. THE EUCHARIST. You’ll find you end up thirsting for Him when you miss Mass the more you go, which is a beautiful thing. That thirst, that ache shows you to whom your heart belongs.

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