He is closer to me than I am to myself

I don’t know how it came to be, but throughout my existence, I have been a very introspective person. I constantly think about my thoughts, emotions, and experiences in life. I attribute it to being a classic over thinker. A degree in Psychology helped me to know myself better. The road to self-discovery has never been easy, but I knew it was one I had to take. Over the years, I have come to known myself more – my tendencies, my capabilities, and my limitations. One of my friends said I was of the most well-adjusted people she knew.


Lo and behold, God continues to take me deeper into knowing myself. He continues to push me, expanding the idea I had.  While there are tasks that I am confident about, there are also moments when I wonder why the task has been given to me and how to accomplish it. And you know what? It is in the latter that I discover what more I can do. In those unguarded moments, I let the Creator take control of the creation.


Trust me, He knows how it all works. He knows where the switches are, the hidden passages, and the shortcuts. The things I am unaware of. It is in these moments that I feel the closest to God. It is simply in knowing myself more that I discover more of Him. Just as what St. Augustine has said, Interior Intimo Meo, He is closer to me than I am to myself.



The more I discover about who I truly am, the more I praise my God for creating me. The more I know myself, the more I get a glimpse of Him who lives in me. And the more I see God in me, all the more I can see God in others.


The road to self-discovery is far from over. This lifetime may not be enough to cover all the good things that lie ahead, but one thing is for sure. Each day on this road brings us closer to our destination, God.


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