Stop telling me “You’re beautiful”

Stop telling me “you’re beautiful.”

I’m more than that.



Women are the most beautiful creatures ever imagined. Every TV ad and every billboard says so. Everything that you can see on the monitor says so.



Women are beautiful. They have the natural tendency to capture attention beyond their wanting. This is both a gift and a curse.



Living in a generation where another world exists in electronic devices, women are seldom complimented beyond looks. Worse, women are barely looked at without malice. People see us and scan what can be highlighted, photographed, captured. Both the real and the cyberworld often refer to women as displays, as façades. However, not all the elements that we front are cover-ups. Some speak of splendid interior that can be upheld authentic. What’s disappointing is that what’s within is rarely viewed. The very sight of a woman prevents the appreciation of the totality of the beauty she possesses.




WOMEN. Take a peek.


Don’t try to flatter us women. We’ve already heard so much about how we look. And we know we’re adorable. Not always, but we know it. Instead, take a closer look. Look beyond our pretty faces and try distinguishing the strong emotions that lead us. Let us speak about all the sensations we feel during a sunset. Ask about our achievements, what we listen to before we sleep and where our thoughts go on Sunday evenings. Discover the standards that we would never, ever bend. Ask us what our “No” means. Figure out why we gaze at the stars before closing the gate. Try placing a child’s toy in front of us and make us revisit the crazy dreams we once had of palaces and knights. Attempt to fathom who we are rather than who people thought we are.



WOMEN. A delight. A mystery.


Women are more than just beautiful. Womanhood transcends what the eyes perceive.


Women are born with the allure of making God reconsider what was once “good” into “very good.” Women exude not only splendor , but character, intelligence and strength. Women are the crown of creation.

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