Why you need to honestly do what you love

Do what you always love and do it honestly.


This was a line I heard from a song by the Angels and Airwaves while heading home from work.


Pondering about it, a lot of ideas and memories came swarming in as I reflected on the words and what they meant to me. I guess it was a message I have always been reminded of but kept on forgetting.


We all do stuff whether we like them or not. It may be out of obligation because your employer told you to do it or because it is something you have always been doing for so long that you end up liking it. However, the latter, in most cases, does not always happen. So let’s stick to the grid of loving what you do.


Most of the times, confusion arises when we deal with the things we love most. Questions arise, making you doubt if it’s good for you or if it’s meant to be. Most likely, we would need encouragements from people around us to affirm us.


Nevertheless, here are a few insights about why loving what you do should come hand in hand.


Because it will make you feel better.

The truth is, it will. Definitely. Doing what you love with honesty is like eating your favorite food and savoring every bit of it. You might even be caught close your eyes in deep contentment and joy. Of course, there will be different scenarios where people will see that you are better off doing the things you love, and in fact, changes will come for the better. Just make sure you don’t fake it!



Because it will make you love it more.

Let us say you love the arts. You love designing. It makes you happy, and it makes you fulfilled, most especially if your work is recognized and you are affirmed that it is what you are passionate about. This becomes easy to accept that you are honestly doing what you love with all your heart, and in return, it makes everything worth the hard work. It will make you love it more because you have poured your heart on it.



Because doing so would mean being honest to yourself.

Have you felt indifferent while doing something you don’t like? It makes you upset at the same time guilty, right? It is because you are not honest enough to admit that it bothers you, and thinking about the time you’ve spent on something you don’t approve of doing would let you realize and daydream of the things you could have done at the moment. Doing what you love is an investment, and by being honest enough to truly love it would often mean having the guts to defy from the norm.



Because it will make you more productive.

Loving what you do is equal to passionately creating outputs productively. Why? Because when you honestly love what you’re doing, it sends signals to your senses that gives you the feeling of being eager to produce quality work. The more you learn to honestly love what you’re doing, the more you get excited to finish your work with ease and determination.



Because it will make you as an inspiration to other people.

When people see the way you treat the things you do with passion, the more they see you as a person who spreads good vibes. Being an instrument of inspiration is a privilege, and it gives you the opportunity to share to them how you do things that work for you. Perhaps they might get an idea on how you get to deal with things, especially those who are struggling about it. The struggle is real.



Because it will allow you to know yourself more.

I remember I had this professor in college who gave an idea about dating yourself. It’s not what you’re thinking—although the concept of it may apply. She shared to us the concept of an “artist date,” which is about getting to know yourself more. By doing the things you love, it would help you realize things about yourself—your strengths, weaknesses, and limitations, which will come along during the process.



Because it will help you grow.

Just like how a parent cares about her child, one should honestly love what he or she does to enable it to grow and, at the same, make you grow as an individual. There is growth because you will be able to distinguish more of your dreams and how you wanted them to become realities. By truly and honestly loving what you do, it will surely bring you to greater heights and be able to achieve what you are aiming for just before you know it.



Because it will make you happy.

This sums up everything. If you don’t love what you do, even in the smallest details of your life, you will reach a point of regretting and not taking things seriously. This often leads to discontentment. It will make your life miserable; it will only be a game of pretend. Things done for love and with love will create results that will make you want to do more, live more, and love more. Loving what you do with an honest heart will clearly put everything to place.

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