“Please” – A letter to my younger self

If I could travel time and space and meet my younger self, I would find the secretly rebellious yet naïve girl in all her glory. We all have something we wish we could tell to the people we used to be. But of course, we can’t get everything we want, so perhaps this is enough. Hopefully, these words aren’t just echoed to a void and it might give what you needed to hear.



To the ones who feel the weight of their emotional baggage, the ones too stubborn to accept their ways are not always right, those full of pride to ask and accept for help, let alone anything else, and also, finally, to the better people who we’re striving to be and need a few reminders every now and again, this is for you.





Please don’t seek love from others who don’t and can’t reciprocate the kind of love you seek for; there are others who are present in your lives, yet you neglect and can provide the love and support you crave for.



Please don’t think you’re not worth the attention just because someone didn’t give you their attention. The One who loves you is waiting for you, faithfully and unconditionally.



Please don’t think you have to change who you are to be liked by others. Even though circumstances, people, and everything may change, you may deny or reject Him, but His love doesn’t change. You can still find comfort in His constant love.



Please don’t think you’re drowning in loneliness when His love is a deep ocean of relentless love, easily able to quench the love and acceptance you thirst for.



Please don’t think who you are and what you do is not good enough. His grace is always sufficient. His strength is perfected and exemplified in your weakness.



But most of all, please don’t think you are not worthy to be called or even be loved. He knows you, flaws, weaknesses and all, along with your capabilities, passion, and talent. Let your brokenness ignite you to accept and share His love.



And finally, please remember it is not the end yet. Just because you’re at your bottom, it doesn’t mean that’s it, game over. But rather, it’s when we surrender it all that we find God.



We are all works in progress; the middle ground of tragedy and triumph are both necessary. A great, crazy plan is ahead of us. So once more, with feelings, determination, and passion, get up.


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