A story of forever: The road worth taking

Roly and I were in a seven-year relationship as boyfriend and girlfriend. Too long? It might be yes in today’s generation but not for ours.

During my time, courtship and relationship is seriously being worked for. Readiness in emotion, finances, spiritual life, change in lifestyle, detachments from friends and especially from your family.

At an early age, and being raised by business-minded parents, my idea of getting married carries a huge responsibility. Back then, my fear of getting married at an early age became an issue and for me it means stealing from me my dream of becoming an ideal big sister to my two siblings, so I stick to my plan of getting married at a later age. But still, along with my journey, I never deprived myself of entering into one humble relationship, but as expected, it ended after two years because the man was in his marrying age already and I’m not yet ready then.


For a while, I suffered the pain it caused, but my love for my family ultimately eased the pain. As the eldest in the family of three, I pushed myself to the responsibility of helping my parents raise my siblings until they finished their college degrees – a responsibility that unexpectedly took me to play the role of a parent. We’ve gone through so many test and eventually, I felt I have nothing left for me then, but God.




Within the hardest phase of my life, came Roly, the man, I so believed, was heaven sent. His appearance to the scene took me by surprise because I never asked for “anyone” but God gave me “someone” special. Seven years he waited, loved me and respected me until the day God has united us. He walked slowly with me, patiently, slow phasing, passing through our road to forever.


God truly knows when to carry you, who to be with you and how to help you lighten the baggage. Those seven years worked for our advantage because from our wedding day until today, we enjoyed each other’s company and even loving each other more deeply.

We are now married for 26 years and still counting.

There is certainly a forever and that road to forever is a journey with God.

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