Love Cloud is a home for the young to “Experience and Express Love in Many Forms.” It is here where you may find yourself a place to belong. We believe that all of us have experiences and expressions of love in our own unique way. These create stories – stories that connect and inspire, stories that dream to create a world where love, in all its forms, become the most important part of living.

Family Love
Kind of love that exists within a family. Family love is characterized by unique feelings, challenges, behaviors, and rewards.
God’s Love
His love abounds from His infinite goodness and mercy. God's love is steadfast and unchanging. Though we may grow distant from Him or fickle in our attitude toward Him, He continues to love us.
Healing and Forgiveness
It means to heal and move forward with life without allowing anger, hurt or unproductive rumination to waste too much of our mental or emotional energy.
Loving One’s Self
A state of appreciation for oneself that grows from actions that support our physical, psychological and spiritual growth.
Waiting in love
Waiting to find someone you feel love (intense feeling of deep affection) toward.

This idea is a creative space where you can freely express your thoughts, experiences and even a companion to help you expound your capabilities as a Catholic creative person! If you have an idea that needs to be shared with the world, submit it to our site. You don’t need any qualifications or experience… just lots of imagination, love and a desire for communication.