When my confidence is shaken within. It brushes every strand of faith I have in me. Will I overcome? Or should I just let it take the best of me?
I know I must look for the best with my worst.
So that in my deficiencies, I can expand, I can grow, I can be whole again.
For I am “not just” a woman.
“I AM” a woman. And I am made, capable of greater things.
When is all of my strength bound to fail? I won’t count victories in the past as enough to carry me through the next challenge. Because surrender isn’t a weakness and victory? starts by kneeling down, hands bind together & pray.
For I am “not just” a woman.
“I AM” a woman. And Humility is Queen.
When I cry in the deepest places where no one knows or understand. When there’s much pain to bear.
I am certain that my deepest joy doesn’t lie in the surface. Cause like most precious gems, the deeper you dig the brighter they shine. For I am “not just” a woman. “I AM” a woman. And I am more than my past, my pains, my anxiety, and my fears.
I have bought into the lies that I am not seen, known or loved, and so comparison became my friend and worrying about how I’m measuring up became my norm. Am I enough? The world has been unkind to me; treated me with less value and respect than I deserve See, I am not defined by what the world thinks it means to be a woman for my standard is much higher. There is only One who can define me, and He says, I am His beloved Child, that His nobility is my inheritance, that I am ‘fearfully and wonderfully made” because I am not just a woman, I AM A WOMAN and a daughter of God.
Cause I am not just a woman.
“I AM” a Woman and a daughter of God.
This Women Empowerment Month
we honor all the Amazing Women around the world. Like Mama Mary, the ultimate example of womanhood.
Thank You for your giftedness.
Mary Mother of Jesus, pray for us.