More than waiting

I was twelve years old when my mom first introduced me to the concept of praying for my future husband. Considering that my biggest problem at that moment was figuring out strategies on how to eat okra without really tasting it, that conversation with my mother went completely over my head.


Why should I care about someone whom I’ve never met about something that seemed light years away? It was too much for me to handle. Blame it on brain activity being spent on calculating algebra or handling teenage hormones, but it took three years for the idea to sink in.


Little by little, I started to notice that other people thought the same way my mom did. The summer of my fifteenth year, while browsing through a little bookstore in a domestic airport, I came across two books, Lisa Velthouse’s Saving My First Kiss and Angela Thomas’s Do You Think I’m Beautiful? I was intrigued and took up the challenge. By the time we came back from our trip, the lessons had been etched in my heart and soul.


It was also that same summer when I discovered that I desired for nothing less than an intimate relationship with the One who loved me first.


And so my journey with Him began.


During those years, I realized that it was not enough to wait for the ideal man to find me. I realized that I would never be happy if he found me hiding in a dark corner until he brought me into the light.




I am not going to wait around for my life to “start” until that day. Life is too short to be wasted on passively waiting. I am a Disney lover, but I knew that His plan for me was more than wondering when my Prince Charming would come. His plan was and will always be greater. The standards that I placed on myself were not my own but the ones that He wanted for me.


He molded me to be the woman that He would present to the man who would join me in my journey towards His heart.


Prayer over party.

Family over friends.

Service over shopping.

Mission over me.


What He desired for me was to become the woman that the man I have been praying for was praying for as well. His plan for me was to become the answered prayer to my answered prayer.


We accept the love we think we deserve. And I deserve nothing less than the embrace that only the Divine Lover can give.


And until that day, I choose to live my life with Him until He chose to join my life with his.


I’m sure till my dream comes true, I’ll be praying for you. That you will fear the Lord, I’ll pray we’ll be on one accord. That God will bless everything we do.


PS. To those reading this, do know that it will be a struggle. There will be times when you will think that you can’t hold on anymore. When those days come, allow Him to hold you instead. His grip is stronger.


And when the time is right… “Let God give your hand to the man who is meant to hold it forever.”


PPS. Have faith. Even forgotten prayers do get answered.

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