Category Blogs

Friend, Baka Naman

What if you have a friend that has so much potential in creative writing and they don’t even know that they have that potential, and you’re the friend that will trigger their creative freedom into boundless possibilities? Would you suppress it?

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On my way HOME during pre-ICON

When we learn more about something or someone, that sentimentality flourishes and allows us to see their true value. Knowledge begets sentimentality. And I cannot help but resonate with her thought ⁠— for the more Jesus moments I had, the more familiar I am of Him and His love for me through the cross and the Holy Eucharist l. Leaving my heart with a wider and deeper love for Him.   

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A Prose to 2021

I learned that a future full of hope emanates as the Father in heaven enriches me with His love and grace to persevere and journey again. I pray to always have the fresh eyes that gaze upon the Love beneath the clouds and to always have the heart that holds this grace to reign forever.

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So, I wrote

Criticism wisely given helps us move forward in discipline, growth and do us more good than harm. It is easily dealt by others. However, to some, criticism can be overwhelming, limiting or even impairing. One of our panels during our…

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Among the Flowers

Today, I walked among the flowers,And picked up a Greystone from grass’ caress.With a tight and firm grip, I pressed on it,Feeding from its hard and rough state. There! I threw it down the stream,Of shattered hopes and unawaken dream.Then,…

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